Monday, September 7, 2015

That Big Old DENT!

While, I don't agree with Dr. Umar Johnson in some areas, I must admit that he is solid brother when it comes to his beliefs and practices regarding our childhoods and how they impact our adulthood.  In the video below he discusses why we have so much trouble in relationships and ultimately ties our issues to the impact of fatherlessness!  Well, you know my Daddy Void antenna went up! Although, his language is coarse at times, I feel his message is sound.  We must fill the voids in our lives, both men and women from our childhoods before we can be remotely successful in any committed relationship.  That of course is what Dented Daughters is about....Investigating the big old dent in your life, correcting your poor posturing as a result and then moving forward with support and guidance to the best you possible.  Yes, your father left you with a dent, a whole the size of Texas when he left you emotionally or physically, but you can no longer use that as an excuse to fail.  Seek help now! Take the Daddy Void Project assessment and determine what your biggest coping mechanism is and how you can change your life as a result of it.  You don't have to live beneath your privileges.  There is help available for you!

Please watch the video of Dr. Johnson as he explains why we get trapped in bad relationships and consider taking this FREE assessment sponsored by thedaddyvoidproject to determine how you have been impacted by fatherlessness by clicking on the link below.  For further details regarding the assessment please contact us at

Until the next DENT......

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